This morning we had a light breakfast and went about 30 minutes south of here to Cerovac Caves near Gračac.  

There is a welcome center, and two caves.  Both cave entrances are a hefty hike up the mountain, one above the other by a 15 minute walk.  The caves go into the hill for kilometers, but the tour goes about 600 meters each.  We arrived after 10am, and found that we were the only people there yet.  We missed the 10am tour, but headed to the upper cave for the 11:30a tour.  A tota of 8 people were there for the tours.  Slow day in the off season.

We started at the upper cave.  It had enormous cathedral caverns.  Hard to describe all of the detail, but slightly dark in there, very cold (44 deg f), and damp.  Like a cave.  Lots of calcite formations above and around.

The lower cave was also incredible.  Narrower than the upper, but a lot of detail

Tonight, we’ll take it easy and go find dinner near Lovinac.  Tomorrow morning we leave for Zadar, on the Adriatic Sea.


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